The City of Bluffdale strives to provide fair and equitable access to high-quality parks, trails, recreation, and open space opportunities for all its residents. The community, with a population of 18,000, is located at a crossroads for transportation and at a junction between Salt Lake and Utah counties. Because of this, Bluffdale is rapidly changing both physically and demographically and will continue to do so in the coming years.
The city is developing a Parks, Trails, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan to ensure facilities and programs can be maintained in the future as the community changes and grows. The Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide for policy decisions that prioritize and balance demands and opportunities. The plan will also provide a framework for evaluating future land acquisitions, facility improvements, and other expenditures of public funds for parks, recreation, trails, and open space. The outcome of the process will be a long-range plan that will enable multi-year planning for capital investments and recreational programming. Public engagement will play a critical role in the development of the Master Plan. We encourage you to use this site to stay involved and informed throughout the planning process. |
We're glad you are here and hope that you will continue to check in and follow the plan's progress. Sign up for email updates below and check back regularly for updates on how you can be involved.
PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTThe planning process offers multiple opportunities for public involvement. Visit the Engage page to learn more about these opportunities, including information on public meetings and online engagement options.
CONTACTComments can be submitted through this website, via email or phone, or in person at any of the public meetings.